
Friday, December 13, 2013

Yum yum house fun Ꭷ,Ꭷ

We made graham cracker houses this year and boy was it so fun ! Even Daddy got in on the family fun ❀️ ! I didn't find the time to make actual gingerbread houses, which I've never done before anyway, but making the houses out of graham crackers was just as great 😊 & with less disappointment that could be there, if an oopsie daisy were to happen. It was extra great because I could use all the little extra cut off pieces and make each house a little different from each other structurally too.
We made our own little village πŸŽ„πŸ’šβ„οΈβ›„οΈ Even the 23 month old got to join in, although she ate so much candy she was bouncing off the walls the rest of the night! She actually did 'get it' at first too, putting candy in the icing on the roof, but then got all sugar silly and more occupied with the candy and goofing. ; ) You can't do something like this and not expect a big sweep pile at the end! That's just part of the fun πŸ’— !  I was looking at other blogs trying to decide if I should do royal icing, hot glue, or even burnt sugar. I was mostly concerned because I knew they would have to hold strong to stand up to a 5,3, & 1 yr old! Royal icing held perfectly! I made the actually houses the previous night and we decorated the next  night ❄️ This was my first time making royal icing and made the following recipe both nights. The second night was better than the first and my lesson to share here about making it is to start with less powdered sugar and add more if needed! 

1 pound confectioners sugar
3 egg whites
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

In the end they were so beautiful and I was mostly surprised how wonderful my boys turned out. I guess I shouldn't have been, he αŽ₯Ꭶ  amazing!, lol! He is only 3 and rocks the minecraft better than I assume many adults do πŸ˜‹ They all did great though! And it was nice quality family time. 
^ellie, harry, katie, daddy, & mommy^

I, myself, have never made an actual gingerbread house so this was new fun for me too πŸŽ€ I think I will always make a chocolate chip cobblestone wall though! It was sooooo delicious to eat! Ha! Like a super s'more cookie, it was gooood ; )

Hope the holiday is very merry for you too! Happy Christmas ! β€οΈπŸ’šβ€οΈπŸ’šβ€οΈ

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The first December snow ❄

The firsts now of the season came before thanksgiving so it was a little early for snowflake cutting β„πŸ’œβ„

It is amazing how much Katie's change from year to year ❀! Half of those are hers, beautiful! ❄

Saturday, August 17, 2013

patchy the pillow

Arrrgh! 😊 My oldest baby begins kindergarten in just a few days, oh my! Where did the time go!? When I was in kindergarten it was only a half day, I'm going to miss her! Before we know it they'll make preschool mandatory πŸ˜• I do wish I had it in me to homeschool but I'm not going to kid myself.... It takes a special kind of person and not me! I love teaching my children! Don't get me wrong! I'm just more the 'bonus' knowledge teacher.... The basics and socialization are better for them in the classroom 🍏 with each kid I've become more disoriented and scatter-brained, lol. Too bad that's too true! 
Anyway! Because it is a full day, after lunch they have a little rest time. So when I saw on my Katie's supply list a small pillow my mind thought instantly 'ooh, project' πŸ˜‹ I don't think of where to buy one- no way! Opportunity! It never ceases to amaze me how much we can learn from our kids πŸ’œ I've literally spent hours coordinating fabrics and when it came to letting my little lady pick some for her pillow she found a color scheme she liked and just grabbed three next to each other on the shelf. It would seem so obvious wouldn't it? But I was in shock by the ease. I think I may over complicate my life sometimes. Haha. πŸ’•πŸŽ€ 
To do this project you don't even have to buy fabric though, really! It's such a scrappy bit you use! 

To make it like mine, which is about half the size of a standard pillow, you need to cut:

*35 squares 3&1/4 inches x 3&1/4"  ( certainly you will want to make your own grid plan to personalize it unless you're playing jazz 😊 with scraps .. It's 7 squares across and 5 down)
*one rectangle 16&3/4 inches x 12&1/4 inches of back fabric or double your  35 squares and make it patchy on both sides
*stuffing of some sort, thread.... And your sewing tools βœ‚

These measurements are kind of odd I know but it made it the right size we needed and in the end each square is 2&1/4 inch with 1/2 inch seam allowance.
I like to give plenty of room for stitched seams to stretch so there's less a chance of a split seam in the middle of the pillow.
Here are seven vertical rows of five sewn and ironed, ready to be 
Sewn vertically and ironed again. 
Then with right sides together line up your backing, pin, and sew :) 
Leave a small gap, but big enough for your hand!, for stuffing. 
Turn right side out.
Pin your hole closed, edges turned inward, and sew it up.
Simple, simple, simple!

If you've looked at other posts of mine you might recognize the owl :) by happy accident I made the two coordinate. Katie picked the other 4 fabrics and I added the other two to make it more traditional not even realizing they were what I'd used before.
I can hope someday when she has a dorm or apartment or chair she'll have a sort of matchy fun pillow set. πŸ’—πŸ’•

Monday, July 29, 2013

harry, katie, mommy

katie, harry, ellie

you're never too old for a B:r+hd@y W:$h !

 Hubby's birthday is today and since he works 2nd shift he got a morning celebration (wake up, heehee) πŸ’—πŸŒžπŸ’­ we love him dearly and hope he has a wonderful year β•πŸ’ β‡πŸ’«

And because it goes back to before we were married with children : P

Friday, July 12, 2013

ready to collect botanicals πŸŒΎπŸ’›β˜€

Yesterday I took the Awesome trio for a wagon ride around the block and were graced with the sight of sooo many flowers!  What made it especially noticeable was that the flowers blooming now seem to be a variety of colors!  Sure in the spring with the first bloom there's a remarkable variety but where I live they seem to be mostly yellow. Perhaps now I'll need to pay better attention though because the color spectrum most likely is present then too!   πŸ‚I'll stop going on now and show to you how easy it is to make your own flower presses practically for free 
πŸ’• Each of these are made of 8 cardboard 5 inch squares stacked with pieces of wax paper folded into quarters in between, then secured with rubber bands, and that's it!  Of course they don't have to be 5 inches or even perfect, but they make for a fun day project and flora for another days art! 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

simple sweets for the simply sweet

Happy Valentines Day !
Hope you've been remembered today! and graced for being the Lovely person You Are! : ) And if you weren't, consider yourself My Valentine : P Years ago, i often was my only Valentine and my cat, Frank, would treat me to something nice. He was good to me : ) until i had my first baby and {out of jealousy?} I got the coldest shoulder ever! It's still cold in fact : ( i feel bad for him, he doesnt get the love from my parents (where he lives) he got from Matt and me- still doesnt really like kids though.... Any who...............
This is Kates first year of school and she has her first Valentine party! : ) oh so fun! when i was a kid it was a school day to look forward to! We made these on the cricut. She coordinated the papers and picked the shapes : ) A little more special than store bought and probably the same price {?}

and from mommy to her sweeties {minus Ellie who just got a little chocolate covered marshmallow} i made these simple little treats

some paper doilies and black lace, we are good to go! : )
We dont go crazy over here but i try to at least celebrate with the kids - make it fun - and at the same time show i love them. Because i Do So DEARLY!

And because what is Valentines Day without some Beatles? {though hubby crazily doesnt dig them? whaaat? lol}

Monday, February 11, 2013

forever yarn

Maybe I'm a little late to the game but back in November I discovered an awesome place. An awesome place called Ravelry and it is paradise for the crocheter or knitter. Am I seeming overly excited ? Maybe I am but I have a lifetime of patterns and inspiration thanks to this site! I heart it : ) my member name is mamapajama3 if you join befriend me! I have a few projects completed and I upload finished pics. This is my latest I finished last night


I need to get better at knitting now : )

Sunday, February 10, 2013

balloon shade

Ive grown up thinking these were hideous
and the mention of balloon curtain or even valance made me imagine something of the sort.
.......but i guess im getting older, broadening my horizons, and letting my taste be swayed because i saw these :
and was inspired to dress up the window above my kitchen sink

I googled a tutorial and found this one as easy to understand, not too complicated, or too 'froo froo' heehee
Instead of having 3 panels mine is one piece with the rings sewn in place. 
I am SOOO happy with how it turned out! it does release all the way down and could look like a plain panel.  It is Very functional and believe it or not easier to operate daily than regular blinds or fiddling with drapes pushing them aside.
Loving the ease of light in the day and privacy at night... and done so delicately!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

torn to treasured

Ive mentioned in a previous post about my lovelies tearing up books. Sigh..... we have another victim of their 'passion for reading' - : P  Admittedly though the story was pretty thin and i got it at a thrift store for 50Β’ and for the illustrations anyway : )
Got some bonus, beautiful fridge art though! compliments of my Katie Kat : )

and with some extra cutting and modge podge later..... a sweet planter

for my experimental garlic propagating :) below is after one week

and below here it is at the present: 23 days after planting a clove : ) and looking mighty dandy!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

in the year ... 2013

   Well we are here!, not that i thought 12.21.12 was any kind of doomsday deadline : ), still going and still growing : D. I have a few resolutions this year. Now that im thinking of it, i dont think ive had a resolution in several years..... maybe since before becoming a mother!
This year i want more showers, lol, and to garden more.....
i want to Be a Better Mother : to my children, to my pets, and to the earth : )

Here is to hoping the year is a blessed and happy one for you and yours too!!!! Happy New Year, 2013 !!!!

Since the day after christmas we've been adding red, pink, and heartsy touches for valentines day :) I am so impressed by my four yr old, katie, and her artsiness lately! Of course some of those are hers ^ She is even using the word 'kirigami' ! She's awesome! Everyday she wants to cut and glue and color... really advancing herself artistically : ) ! I have so many little paper messes to clean up but to see her being a little busy bee surrounded by paper and filling paper pads with one drawing better than the last makes my heart skip a beat : ) She's been productive this Christmas break!

And for your listening pleasure, and because i'm a geek who can't get enough science fiction or swankiness into my life.....