These were just too cute I had to share! I would love to make these for Katie. :) even just making a soft book rather than their suggestion of a quilt would be so great for the little ones. My daughter absolutely loves story time but only more recently she has stopped chewing on them(she's 19 months right now). The chewing did not agree with my husband but I couldn't take the books away; her little inquisitve mind loved andstill loves exploring the pictures and learning from them.
I think from this I've become inspired to scan and reprint on fabric the pages of her favorite books to make a quilt. These are so sweet though and the vintageness is so loveable. The Little Golden Books ones above are the first two in a series so more can be expected to come.
I haven't done fabric printing myself yet but intend to in the near future. I believe it may be as easy as using a 100% cotton ironed onto freezer paper to prevent bleeding and printing it like normal paper. But before doing this I'd research it myself. I have done fabric painting on fabric that has had freezer paper (shiny side down) ironed to it and the fabric paint does not bleed at all. (stencils and stamps!)
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